Sunday, November 2, 2008

Goldie's Baptism

It took Mama a bit of time, but she finally figured out how to make a slide show on the blog!! Cool, huh? She felt it was about time to blog about Goldie's Baptism Day. It was on March 29, and what a beautiful day it was! It is evident by the georgious pictures in the slide show. After her baptism, Mama asked Goldie how she felt, and she said that she felt empty inside. Mama tried not to panic as feeling "empty" was not what she expected hear. So, she asked Goldie just what she meant by that and she said, "I feel empty of sins!" Whew! All is not lost! Mama and Papa are so proud of their little Goldie and the decision she made to be baptized!


Crafty Ruth said...

very pretty girl!!!!like the photos!

Nonie said...

How fun to see these pictures! I miss that little girl! :) I will write you guys soon. Promise.

Happy Birthday, Mama Bear!!

Our Blog said...

the pictures are so cool! where do you go to get the writing on them that says she is a member, etc.?
i'm impressed w/your slide show abilities! that is so funny your husband was so sneaky and you didn't notice! a honk outside, he goes to "water" and leaves! funny! that's cool he let your daughter in on the secret! you are hilarious with your comments:
"While reflecting on her BIG 40 Mama thought it was interesing that MOST of the people who made such a BIG deal over all of this were actually OLDER than Mama.... hmmmm... Something to ponder."