Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Shoulder Angel and Her Resurection
SB had noticed that she had some loose skin under her chin, and started obsessing over it. Once he discovered how soft it was, he just kept touching her and would NOT leave her alone. She would say, "Now, SB, you need to stop touching me there." and he would say, "OH! But it is so soft! I really like it!" And he just would not stop.
A little while later she came up to me again, and said, "You will never believe what SB just said to me." All I could say way, "Oh no, what now!" And she said that he had said, "You know, in the resurection, you won't have to bother about that skin anymore."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Fiddling Around
They also think it is a fun "tradition"(2 years now) to go to Artic Circle for lunch one of the days durring the week. Here they are enjoying their delicious lunch:
And playing on the stuff... they only had one minute to do this:
Monday, July 13, 2009
Playing with Goldie's Locks

Here is what happened after thar hairdo!! EEEEKKK!!

This is the quick-do we like to do after washing the golden locks. This keeps things somewhat under control.Here is our all time favorite! The zig zag braids. Mama is getting really good at this one. It is a nice cool one for summer time.
Alterniscapes Tour 2009

Here is what the brochure says: "The Anderson's residence utilizes the yard to not only grow underutilized landscape plants, but features a variety of well designed areas for kitchen gardening. In the design, the kitchen garden is not placed in the back corner, but instead incorporated into the whole of the landscape. Included in the landscape are fruit trees, berry patches, raised bed, and rock gardens. There is also an innovative compost operation and other unique opportunities to learn new methods of gardening."
Papa made up a detailed map which was handed out to everyone that toured the garden. Mama was also highly involved in this tour. She got on her trusty computer and made signs (about 120-ish) for every one of the plants that were too small to show up on the map. They added a lot to the yard and many people appreciated that they could then know what each of the plants were around the yard. Many commented that we had the best labled yard of them all!! Here are a few pictures that mama took durring the tour:
Monday, July 6, 2009
Our Spring Flowers
Papa doesn't just plant any old bulb! He finds the most beautiful ones that he can. Our yard looks like Holland in the spring!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fiddle Concert April 2009
What is Goldie Missing? Where is her BOW?? Everybody knows that a true violinist cannot fiddle without a BOW!! It seems that Goldie had done a good deed and lent her bow to someone earlier in the concert, and when it was her turn, alas, she had no bow! But never fear, another one was located and the show went on! Whew!
Also included on this video is the braiding of the Maypole. We have not quite figured out how to edit our videos properly. Oh well, enjoy it all or just tune in for the parts you would like to see.
Here are some pics of the Fiddle Concert:
Goldie with her group class and with her teacher.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Goldie's First May Day 2006
The weather was much better in 2006!! When Goldie wears a green dress, the weather is beautiful!! Any other color and we have rain!